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Customized kaolin types

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Amberger Kaolinwerke extracts kaolins for the sanitary ceramics industry from their deposits in Hirschau-Schnaittenbach, Kemmlitz and Gluhivzi. Other grades of kaolin are produced by Quarzwerke International / Kaolin EAD (, which also belongs to the Quarzwerke Group. The advantage of raw material from extraction sources with different origins is clear - products can be manufactured with a variety of ceramic properties. We use kaolins that have been optimally mixed to fit specific parameters. This is where the quality of our raw materials and our years of experience in the preparation of a first-class product provide a distinct advantage.

Distinctive top quality

Amberger Kaolinwerke doesn't just provide excellent quality when it comes to properties such as rheology, plasticity or body formation but also grades with a good balance of parameters. A wide range of other minerals such as feldspar, quartz and kaolin fireclay are also available. Just talk to us!