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ACRYSMART® provides for a feel-good climate for humans, animals and plants


ACRYSMART® has especially been developed for acrylic glass which is highly transparent, light in weight with good mechanical properties and excellent weathering resistance. In addition it can easily be shaped and is therefore widely used in construction. Major forms are expecially solid sheets, multi-wall sheets and corrugated sheets.

ACRYSMART® glass changes ist transmittance of light and solar radiation as a function of ambient temperature. It offers the advantage of automatic shading at higher temperatures and the optimal use of daylight at low temperatures. On hot summer days the modified ACRYSMART® glass switches from a transparent state (OFF) into a milky white state (ON). At lower temperatures, the plastic glazing becomes transparent again (OFF).

We would be pleased to advise you on all possible applications or provide you with more detailed information. Please call us!